If you have a good online platform / source, which might interest me or other researchers in the field of somatics and art, embodied film, choreographic moving image, etc., please feel free to contact me so I can add new platforms to this list.
Body-Mind Centering®: https://www.bodymindcentering.com/
BMCA – Body-Mind Centering® Association: https://bmcassociation.org/
Somaatikum, Estonia: http://www.somaatikum.ee/
Moveus, Germany: https://moveus.de/
Movimiento Atlas, Spain: https://movimientoatlas.com/en/
ISMETA: https://ismeta.org/
Artistic Research and journals:
iDocde: http://idocde.net/
P’Arts’Hum – Papers in Arts and Humanities: https://artshumanities.partium.ro/index.php/pah/index
JAR – Journal for Artistic Research: https://jar-online.net/en
JER – Journal of Embodied Research: https://jer.openlibhums.org/
Labification – metaphor or practice? https://www.mke.hu/artisticresearchlab/labification/
EU4Art – Differences: https://differences.eu4art.eu/
Living Project and Care Where? zine: https://www.carewherezine.com/living-project
Critical Correspondance || movement research: https://movementresearch.org/publications/critical-correspondence/
Research Catalogue – an international database for Artistic Research: https://www.researchcatalogue.net/
The Journal of Somaesthetics: https://journals.aau.dk/index.php/JOS/index
S&F Online – The Scholar & Feminist Online: https://sfonline.barnard.edu/
Magyar Tánctudományi Társaság (TTT) / Hungarian Dance Society: https://www.magyartanctudomany.hu/
Moving images and video-dance:
FilmFreeway: https://filmfreeway.com/lists/my_lists
Centre for screendance: https://screendance.wordpress.com/
IMPRINT Documentary Film Collective: https://imprintdocumentaries.wixsite.com/imprint
Burgundy video-dance center: https://videodansebourgogne.com/
Dancefilmmaking – online platform for dancefilms: https://www.dancefilmmaking.com/films
Numeridanse – the dance platform (online): https://www.numeridanse.tv/en
NOWNESS – video channel: https://www.nowness.com/