Title of the Research:
Moving Image and the Somatic Self – embodiment processes as creator, performer and spectator, at the intersection of moving image and performing art
Theme of Research:
film as somatic potential; embodied film; choreographic moving images and somatics; bodily empathy and moving image
In my research I focus on the transformation of somatic practices into artistic creation. The ways in which bodily consciousness informs the creation (creator and process), how we can enter into ‘dialogue’ with the beholder primarily through bodily resonance. I’m especially interested in moving image (film) as medium, and as embodied art form, therefore the bodily potentials of filmmaking throughout and beyond performing arts practices. The relationship between touch, perception of movement and vision; non-narrative ways of filmmaking – mainly through theoretical and experimental investigations of choreographic moving images (- Szűcs, 2016) and somatic practices. My research is therefore not only focused on the theoretical background of the embodiment paradigm, but also on the understanding of film practices and bodily (somatic) experiences as personal and collective experiences.
Doctoral researcher: Bernadett Jobbágy
Affiliation: Hungarian University of Fine Arts Doctoral School
Supervisor: Réka Szűcs, DLA
External corporate expert: Miklós Lendvay
Time frame of the Artistic Research: 2021 – 2025
The Artistic Research within the framework of the HUFA Doctoral School [2021 – 2025] is supported by the KDP-2021 Program of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology from the source of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund.”