A I A _ the 120-hour-book project [2022-24] EN

Broken References of the book, Authors, and their contents’ titles

AIA: 120-hour-book PDF

During the summer of 2022, I participated in the Group Residence ‘Publishing as an Artistic Practice’ in Collemachia, Italy. During the 5 days of the residency, we created a collective artist’s book, entitled AIA.

AIA means the barnyard, farmyard, threshing floor; paved area (typical of case coloniche) used to thresh wheat, shell legumes and drying cereals. It was a place to meet and exchange. In Italy, because of the hot summers, aia often was an open space with roof to give shade.

Stendere il grano sull’aia ― to spread the grain on the threshing floor. || Near-synonym: cortile
(More to read: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/aia)

At the village in Collemachia, we used to meet and talk in the shade of a stone archway, exchange ideas and share the moments.

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Publication is out now, and available in color pdf online: https://www.studiothefuture.nl/aia  

The printed representation is in Riso (in duo-tone Black and Flat Gold).


This volume has been produced by Bernadett Jobbágy, Friederike Landau-Donnelly, Miriam Mallalieu, Roelant Meijer, Giulia Paradell, Amy Pezzin, Cristian Toro & Zoë Wonfor.

This publication has been created in the context of the group residency PLACE, PEOPLE and TIME: PUBLISHING AS AN ARTISTIC PRACTICE as the 120-hour-book that took place in Collemacchia, Italy, from July 23 to 29, 2022.

The residency has been facilitated by the Museum of Loss and Renewal (Tracy Mackenna & Edwin Janssen) and Studio The Future / The Future Publishing and Printing (Vincent Schipper and Klara van Duijkeren). Special thanks to Stefania and Alessia, who literally kept us alive, as well as Matilda for the most joyous breakfast and lunch accompaniment. Gratitude also to Amedeo Cocozza, Guido Coia, Mario Coia, Stefania Mancini, and Alessandro Saccomando, who kindly shared their precious memories of the AIA with us.

If you wish to reproduce and/or share (parts of) this, please contact the Museum of Loss and Renewal (curators@themuseumoflossandrenewal.com).

